Why did I write this book?

The decision to write this book wasn’t made in an instant – the idea crept up on me over a number of years. When I was 27, I left my career in technical sales and started my own telecoms business. While I’d picked up some useful experience during my fledgling sales career, I was now going it alone and pretty much making it up as I went along. I couldn’t afford mentoring fees or training courses, so everything I learned from that point onwards was self-taught, either through reading business and self-help books or simply on the job through trial and error. To cut a very long story short, I managed to build the business to a point where I could sell the company and move into semi-retirement. My wife and I currently live in Sussex, England, where we’re raising our two wonderful daughters.

Throughout my career I built up a library of autobiographies, business books and self-help books, and much of my reading brought a clarity of vision to my life. Why not, I thought, help others do the same? So I set out to assimilate the key points of what I’ve learned, and the result is this book.

The beauty of this book lies in its simplicity. There’s no jargon, padding or long anecdotes,  just useful tips on how to put a plan together and get it done! I’ve broken down the elements of life management into small, manageable steps, incorporating ideas and exercises to help you explore your own thoughts, preferences and possibilities.

-Chris Badbury


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